sinicalypse (12:41:38 AM) : i just wanted to confirm for the record that, indeed, you are an idiot. have a nice life
the august idiot (12:41:48 AM) : haha what the hell
the august idiot (12:41:54 AM) : don't you have anything better to do?
sinicalypse (12:42:13 AM) : ok i was gonna block you and go
sinicalypse (12:42:29 AM) : man
sinicalypse (12:42:29 AM) : and you aint want none of this asshole
the august idiot (12:42:38 AM) : oh pssh
sinicalypse (12:42:40 AM) : i'm the reincarnate of aphex twin squarepusher and 10 rappers you've never heard of
sinicalypse (12:42:50 AM) : you're some wanker who massproduces ambient and shoves it on people who go "uh its good" so you leave them alone
sinicalypse (12:43:01 AM) : i'm the musical genius here, dinglebait
sinicalypse (12:43:01 AM) : i can outthink you
sinicalypse (12:43:01 AM) : outwrtite you
sinicalypse (12:43:12 AM) : outproduce you
sinicalypse (12:43:12 AM) : and i will
sinicalypse (12:43:12 AM) : so fuck off
sinicalypse (12:43:12 AM) : i stand behind everything is aid
sinicalypse (12:43:12 AM) : erm said
sinicalypse (12:43:23 AM) : scoff as you must
sinicalypse (12:43:23 AM) : it's a badge of victory on my sleeve
sinicalypse (12:43:23 AM) : you look for vadge
the august idiot (12:43:25 AM) : hahaha oh man
sinicalypse (12:43:33 AM) : difference between you and me
sinicalypse (12:43:33 AM) : look at my fucking name, dipshit
sinicalypse (12:43:33 AM) : august idiot vs sinicalypse
the august idiot (12:43:37 AM) : you must really have no one else online right now
sinicalypse (12:43:43 AM) : you aint even on my level
sinicalypse (12:43:43 AM) : grab some flagpole
sinicalypse (12:43:47 AM) : realize the bitch is in another castle
sinicalypse (12:43:47 AM) : and fuck off and die
sinicalypse signed off at 12:43:56 AM.
sinicalypse is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
***For those who need some backstory on this: this guy is some dude from the WATMM forum who, after I posted a new release topic for the Coppice Halifax self-titled, decided to rant about how much of a BoC ripoff I was for having a name like Coppice Halifax and how all I did was "supersaturate the market" with my boring music. So I messaged him on AIM a day or so later, drunk, simply to tell him that the meaning behind the name was just the literal representation of two themes in the music - green foliage (coppice) and seashores (Halifax is a seaside town) - very obviously nothing to do with the Boards...unless of course you think anyone who references Canada is referencing them too, in which case I cannot help you. So what you see here is what he just sent me back after I hadn't heard from him again in weeks and weeks. Was the Coppice Halifax album really THAT bad?
***For those who need some backstory on this: this guy is some dude from the WATMM forum who, after I posted a new release topic for the Coppice Halifax self-titled, decided to rant about how much of a BoC ripoff I was for having a name like Coppice Halifax and how all I did was "supersaturate the market" with my boring music. So I messaged him on AIM a day or so later, drunk, simply to tell him that the meaning behind the name was just the literal representation of two themes in the music - green foliage (coppice) and seashores (Halifax is a seaside town) - very obviously nothing to do with the Boards...unless of course you think anyone who references Canada is referencing them too, in which case I cannot help you. So what you see here is what he just sent me back after I hadn't heard from him again in weeks and weeks. Was the Coppice Halifax album really THAT bad?
I think the new album is stellar!
Lol dude "this is what happens, Larry"
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