Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Silver Surfaces Washed White

I just finished recording this album last night, and I thought I'd mention it here. It began with me recording material for Sun-Day, which sometimes yields more "noisier" rather than "ambient" results. Since I'm usually just as fond of the not-so-calm parts of these sessions, I wanted a place to put them, and so I hatched the idea to piece little albums out of them, if I could assemble the tracks cohesively enough. So I guess what the result became could be called "noisy Sun-Day outtakes", however since it's conception, this idea has blossomed into much more than that.

Built from these bits and pieces from the Sun-Day sessions, this is the first of three records of it's kind. Everything is live, basically me improvising with my own source material through several layers of amp /pedal distortion and various analog delays. The results are similar to my work on the tape split with Ophibre. The tracklisting is as follows:

1. Filament (8:41)
2. Chalk (7:11)
3. Washer Spiral (10:36)
4. Milk (14:24)

I'm not sure where this album will end up, or when it may be available, but rest assured I'll let everyone know when something happens.

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